Trouver du financement, c’est bien.
Optimisez votre financement, c’est encore mieux!
Nathanial Findlay

CEO at Hello Health / Myca Health
Richard Morrison was introduced to us by a shareholder and partner of Myca. With a deep understanding of the financing tools available for growing companies that goes well beyond traditional debt and equity arrangements, Richard established an innovative way to finance our expanding base of recurring revenue. What has been most effective in his approach is the virtuous circle it has created, as the available financing increases in parallel with the growth of our recurring revenue. I would be happy to introduce you to Richard who I believe can add real value to a growing company.
Michel Lassonde

Chef de la direction et président du conseil – Fiducie de placement Immobilier Fronsac
J’ai rencontré Richard il y a quelques années et nous avons travaillé ensemble dans quelques dossiers. Il a été un acteur majeur dans la réalisation d’un certain nombre de transactions faites par FPI Fronsac. Il a aussi œuvré avec succès à la création d’un partenariat stratégique pour nous. Ce partenariat nous a permis de connaître une croissance significative et il se révèle encore fort bénéfique pour notre fiducie de placement immobilier.
Robert P. Boisvert

President, Dermolab Pharma Ltée
Richard was recommended to us and was hired by Dermolab to search for alternative financing. Using his creativity, network and finance background, we were able to close a long-term debt needed to support our growth.
Mark Busgang

CEO, Warnex Inc.
Richard has a very good understanding of our business and of our company. He was instrumental in the debt restructuring that took place in May 2008 and we appreciated his contribution to the process. Richard could help a small company that is looking to strengthen its balance sheet or deal with certain aspects of being a public company.
Geneviève Foster

Attorney / Avocate
J’ai travaillé avec Richard à plusieurs reprises chez Warnex, où nous avons négocié ensemble des ententes de financement. Richard fait preuve de professionnalisme en tout temps, et possède un excellent sens d’analyse. Il étudie ses dossiers de manière approfondie ce qui lui permet d’apporter des points de vue réfléchis. De plus, c’est un plaisir de le connaître.
Claude McMaster

Président & CEO, D-BOX Technologies
Richard a un esprit critique, un excellent jugement, sait identifier les enjeux stratégiques et financiers importants et a une bonne connaissance des marchés financiers. C’est un gars honnête et dédié.
Laurence Rulleau

Vice-President Biotechnology, Desjardins Securities
Richard was one of the more detailed portfolio manager I have worked with. He does extensive research on the companies he is interested in and he is able to put all that research on broader context. He also has a good judgement on people and what he can expect from management teams. Richard also had very good ideas about strategic development and how to develop companies. It was a pleasure working with him and exchange ideas with him.
Bernard Gervais

Director of Finance, H2O Innovation
Richard understands the challenges faced by small and medium size companies, especially in terms of financing and financial planning. He is a pleasure to do business with.